Sunday, April 16, 2017

Facebook Live Post !

Not too long ago I realized that a lot of fitness and bodybuilding platform go  Instagram or Facebook Live. So, that is what myself and the Beagle's Bodybuilding team did this past week, we went Facebook Live! Usually, on a Tuesday we conduct back and biceps training with deadlifts included, or better know as DEADLIFT DAY! Here it is !

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 250 Challenge

Around the time frame of December 2016 and January 2017 announced that they were launching their annual $250,000 transformation challenge. INSTANTLY, I knew I wanted to join! I knew my work ethic can not only maybe help me win over $100,000 but to transform my body, just like what I'm trying to help other people do. After carefully reading instructions, planning, and seeing the joy on the faces of previous winners faces, I knew I wanted give it a chance. The joy on the faces from previous winners didn't just come from winning the money, but they knew that they came a long way to transform their body.

This years transformation challenge lasted from January 8th 2017, to April 2nd 2017. So a grand total of 12 weeks is what myself and the other thousands people registered had to transform their body. 

On April 18th, will chose 25 male and female winners. Then the fans will have to vote to see who they want to win the grand prize $250,000 from the dates of April 19th - April 25th. 

Then finally on  May 1st the 2017, $250,000 Transformation Challenge winner will be announced ! Here are my pics! Think I have a chance ?! 

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Crossfit Games 17.4

Hello followers! I'm back and I'm going to tell you about the hardest workout that I ever completed ! It's titled 17.4 by the 2017 Crossfit games committee. This workout was completed by my gym partner Chris Anderson and myself, I went first. The workout consists of as many rounds/reps as you can in 13 minutes. 1 round is ...
55 Deadlifts of 225lbs
55 Wall ball shots
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand push-ups. 
In that order. 

We both tied and managed to get  7 handstand push-ups before time was up. 

 This is a workout that I had my doubts about before going to the gym. I say that because of the small amount of time you have to complete the workout. The day this workout was announced via the crossfit games YouTube channel, Crossfit games competitor Brooke Wells and Mexico's fittest woman Brenda Castro completed this workout with a fair amount of energy left. Chris and I had a very different ending, we pretty much laid flat on the gym floor as soon as the 13 minutes was up. This workout feels like running 10 "suicide sprints"as fast as you possibly can, non stop. Don't be afraid to try this workout or to modify it to your standard. Also be safe while doing Crossfit, it's not just something that can be jumped into. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Cellucor C4 Product Review

      Before I get into my first ever product review, I want to acknowledge how far "Beagle's Bodybuilding" has come since January. Beagle's Bodybuilding is part of a class assignment that I am doing for my social media class at South Carolina State University. Now I am NOT looking at it as a assignment, I am using it as a platform to help elevate others who are trying to get in the best shape of their life. I now have a huge following, lots of new followers, people are always coming to me and asking "how can get stronger?" how can I run faster?" "what should my diet be like?" I am thankful and blessed that Beagle's Bodybuilding has come so far and it's continuing to grow.

The video below you will see my FIRST ever product review and the debut of my NEW LOGO! The reason why I wanted to do a product review is,  that other fitness and strength platforms do is  product reviews. The reason for that is people want to know how that certain persons platform is so fit and what product helps them, and ultimately can help the person watching.  How a product review works is, I buy a product, use it, try it out for a certain amount of time and then tell my followers what the product does, how it works, and why or why not I liked it. 

The product review I did was on a great, safe, and explosive pre workout supplement called "Cellucor C4." In the video you will learn that C4 is simple to use, and it is one of the products that I use most of the time before I lift weights and I have seen results in muscle growth every since I've started using it. I hope you all enjoy my first product review and Beagle's Bodybuilding's new logo! Leave words of advice and constructive criticism! Enjoy and continue to strive to be "IN THE BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE!"

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Chest of a Champion

The exercises may depend on where you are working out. 

(Increase weight, each set.)

  1. Dumbell bench press 4 sets of 10-12 reps 
  2. Incline Dumbell press 4 sets of 10-12    1 set of as many as you can. 
  3. Dumbell flys. 4 sets 10-12
  4. 3 sets of 10 wide arm push-ups. 10 regular push-ups. 10 close arm push-ups. 
  5. 5 minute abs.   1 min of Crunches. 1min sit ups. 1 min flutter kicks. 1 min

Thunder Thighs

‼️LEG DAY ‼️
A GREAT burnout of your quadriceps! Workout inspired by Brandy Vaca

Start with 40 lunges then proceed with 30 second "wall sit," (back against the wall.)
The amount of lunges decrease by 2's 

Example. 38 lunges, 30 sec wall sit 
                  36lunges, 30 sec wall sit. 

Until you get to 2 lunges. You have 30min to complete! Good luck ! Enjoy sore legs the next day 👍🏽😄

Monday, February 27, 2017

New Video!


The first YouTube video is up! Learn what Beagle's Bodybuilding is all about ! it's MORE than just about weights! It's about eating right, building cardio strength, and much more Check. It. Out.